Thursday, July 21, 2022


We've moved north into Pennsylvania and upon our arrival in Dillsburg, we settled in at our RV park.  The next morning we had two choices - head south to the battlefields in and around Gettysburg or head north to Hershey.  We decided the only fair thing to do was flip a coin - heads we go south, tails we go to Hershey.  You cannot believe how many times in a row a person can flip heads, so we took that as a sign to head north to our favorite confectioner, Milton S. Hershey.

The Hershey complex is divided into two sections - Hershey's Chocolate World where you can ride through a tour about how they make chocolate and then explore the candy shops and eateries where they make the most delicious milkshakes known to humankind.  

Or a theme park full of thrill rides that any 10 year old could only dream about.

Once again we were faced with a difficult choice.  Who are we kidding?  Waste time on thrill rides when all the chocolaty goodness in the world was just steps away?  We made the only choice we could and said screw the rides.

This place was packed!  We purposely didn't want to visit on a weekend because so many families would likely be there but what we didn't consider was camp/day care groups.  There were a few different activities to do which, thankfully, seemed to be the most popular for the groups.  The Unwrapped experience includes a 4D Chocolate movie, Trolley Works, Create your Own Candy Bar and Hershey's Chocolate Tour ride.  That attraction was popular so we let the kids have at it.

So we headed on over to the Chocolate Tour ride.

Fortunately, the wait was minimal since the crowds had descended on the Unwrapped attraction.  We climbed into a car when it was our turn.

Our favorite candy bars led us through the tour and showed us how chocolate is made.  

Chocolate vats

We learned some interesting facts along the tour.

Yum, almonds

And with that the tour was over and it was time for us to peruse the candy shops and eateries.  

Don't worry - we didn't order a sundae.  We ordered this instead.

Don't judge - we split it

Now that we'd had lunch, we moved on to the shops.  Oh my, there was every type of Hershey candy you could imagine!

Did you know Hershey's made Twizzlers?

In my opinion, the only thing better than chocolate is peanut butter.  So I'm sure you can understand that Reese's Peanut Butter cups is my idea of heaven.  So I almost died when I saw this display.

And to top it off, there was this.

Okay, I'm not afraid to say that I bought one.  But I haven't tried it yet!

So if I were to only buy one candy bar, which one should I pick?

You can't tell by these photos but the bars were about 5 pounds each.  Don't worry, I didn't get one.

Wait - WHAT?

Skinny Pop?????

We had a few things in our cart so it was time to check out.  We were happy that the cashier reminded us that we were in a "Judge Free" zone.

The sign as we left said it all.

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