Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Niagra Falls

Being that we'd never seen Niagra Falls before and we were this close, we set out to finally check it off the list of things we've missed.

We arrived at about 9:30 and it was PACKED!  The surrounding area reminded me a bit of a county fair feel.  We walked through a building where there were food stands - somehow it didn't remind me of something I'd expect to see at a place like this.

The water approaching the falls is incredible!

 And then, the main event - American Falls.

And Horseshoe Falls from this side.

We were fascinated by the boats traveling along - red for Canadian boats, blue for American boats.

Across the way is Canada -  you can walk across and see the falls from the Canadian side.  Someone told us that to go across the border you have to have a passport (we did), proof of vaccine (we did), and need to be prepared to stay in the event you have a positive Covid test (we weren't).   Not sure if that was true but we decided to not take a chance so we stayed on the U.S. side.

We then made our way across the river so we could see things from a different vantage point.

What incredible views from here.

American Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe Falls

And then, of course, we found a spot for lunch.

I swear we ate but the best part of the meal was the drink Ron ordered.

Loganberry Mule

We took a picture of the menu so we could remember what was in it.  It was fantastic and especially refreshing on such a hot day.

As we walked back to the truck it was back to the county fair feeling.  Kids and adults alike stopped for this entertainer.

See the giant bubble?

And with that we got back to the truck and called it a day.


  1. What? No Maid of the Mist boad ride???

    1. The line was VERY long and we didn't care enough to stand in it in the heat. I know, we're wimps. :-)

  2. There was no bridge to walk to the Canadian side when we were there. That's how long ago we were there. We didn't have to worry about Covid in those olden days.

  3. We were on the Canadian side in May en route to Toronto. I have to say we were underwhelmed. The falls are beautiful, but the whole area is so touristy and tacky!

    1. That's exactly how we felt on the American side.
