Sunday, April 17, 2022

Dodge City

A last minute addition to the itinerary was traveling to Dodge City, Kansas which was the "home" of Gunsmoke.  Ron loves to watch old westerns and Gunsmoke is one of his favorites so this was a perfect next stop.  Not my bucket list item I mentioned before but I played along since he's the driver ;-)

The RV park took advantage of their most famed tourist attraction.

Cute little office area they set up.

We liked our spot.

When we pulled in, another Reflection was right in front of us.  The park wasn't very large but he ended up right across from us.  He spent a lot of time fixing up his spot - the flag placement was very important and the next day he added his veteran's flag.


We spent some time talking with him - his name was Ron! - and learned he lived in Alaska but was traveling the country alone because his wife passed away a few months ago.  And that's why we set out on this journey as we wanted to be able to do this while we still had our health.

The next morning we decided to see a different kind of tourist attraction.

We don't love casinos because of all the smoke but it was fun to spend 1/2 hour here.  We were up for a few minutes but then.... Oh well, we had fun.

We took a spin to the downtown area to have lunch.

The next day we went back to town to visit some of the sights.

One of the popular places in Gunsmoke was the Long Branch which was owned by Miss Kitty in the TV series.  Fire destroyed most of the city in the late 1800's but a portion of the main street has been recreated.

The next day we took a short walk around town and ran across a few familiar faces.

Matt Dillon

Doc Holliday

And then we stopped for "lunch".

It was a fun little place and we spent quite a bit of time talking with the owner.  She even has a certification in pizza making and yum, it was so good it was gone before I thought about taking a picture.

What we learned in Dodge City.

My bucket list item is coming up at the next stop.


  1. Replies
    1. Haha. It won't be exciting to anyone except me.

  2. That looks like fun times partner in Dodge City! I especially like the saloons and beers!

  3. Absolutely worth the stop! Looks like a fun place.
